File Listings: 1 to 3 of 3
1883 to 1912 Records A and B which are the Table of Contents and Acknowledgements. This file also contains the First Presbyterian Church Death Records from 1885 to 1911.
Thanks to the Session of the First Bresbyerian Church and the business manager, Bob Ashback. Also EWGS members - June Abernathy, Marian Greear, Erma Scotten, Thelma Schmidt, Maxine Pence, Ruth Greenfield, Don Harton and Agnes Harton, Chairman. Also to Jean Holder who was the inspiration of the project.
The Federal Historical Records Survey, operated under the auspices of the WPA, and directed throughout the United States by Dr. Luther H. Evans, is making good progress with respect to the survey of church archives. The purpose and scope of the reconnaissance program was explained in an introduction to the “Survey of Seattle Archives†published in the April, 1937, number of the Quarterly.
This article appeared in the Eastern Washington Genealogical Society BULLETIN in December 1982. The article was researched by Jennifer Perkins using the church register.
The Hay Baptist Church was organized September 19, 1901, and the church built on land donated by Mr. and Mrs. I. M. (Isaac) Curtis.