Databases in this section have been created by our society members. Many of them have been published in our BULLETIN which has now become the Digital Digest. The reprint of any Bulletin published database will be noted as such, when possible. Many hours have been spent by members to create these databases. They are intended for your personal use only. They may not be reproduced without the explicit prior approval of EWGS.
UPDATE: August 2023 - Additional obit records have been uploaded. You will find an email address link in the "Additional Notes" of a record. Click on the email to get additional information for the individual record. These records are housed at the MAC.
For your convenience, these links are: ASKEWGSI.ORG and
(PATCHEN FILE) OBITUARY INDEX: Special recognition is extended to EWGS member, Dottie Braithwaite. Every Tuesday for over 2 years, she went to the Spokane Public Library and put in at least 4 to 5 hours of recording what was on the Patchen index cards. There were MANY volunteers involved in this project; THANK YOU to each and every one of you!
Of special recognition would be to Lee Patchen - the originator of these invaluable files!
We recognize that this data is not 100% accurate; however, we continue to work on updating/editing this project. The obitiuary dates can range from year 1861 to the year 2001. It should be noted however, that this date range is inclusive of ALL obituary sources.
It is not solely based on the Patchen file project. The Patchen files have been incorporated into our existing Obituary Index. The majority of the listings are indeed, from the Patchen files.
These records are included in the Obituary Index (see the sidebar on the left). This is not a separate database. It is now available to you.
Lee Patchen